What is Essential

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It’s a word that keeps coming up these past few weeks. Common sense tells us that essential means: food, water and shelter - which is true in it’s most basic sense. But in this moment I’ve found myself thinking a lot about what else is essential in my life. And maybe right now, when we have all been forced to slow down and take a little extra time, maybe now is a time to really consider what will remain as the essentials in our lives when this dust settles. 

I’m not talking about luxuries or conveniences, but instead the principles of living that are essential to you being who you are… or who you want to be in this future version of the world that is coming after. What can we cultivate now that we can take with us into the after? And more importantly what can we leave behind in the before? 

Because let’s be honest, the before, for most of us was a little out of control. Years of upward movement. Years of increased market value, increased availability, increased access to people, places and things. Instant gratification. Everything just one click away. 24/7 open signs and no waiting for anything. 

It’s not sustainable. It’s not real. This is a world we created that no human can realistically exist in and thrive. We’re not always on or open or available. We can’t be! This pull to do more and be more and achieve more - it’s toxic. Trading our sanity for the title of fastest response time or fastest results, for crossing off all the items on the to do list or just being ‘busy’. We are all guilty of buying in, either by choice or because of fear of falling behind.

I can’t help but feel like right now we have an opportunity to do something else. As we shelter in place, lets take a look at the essential pieces that make us who we are. The things that light us up and make our souls feel something. The things that are your truest truths - take those things with you into the after! And anything that makes you feel anxious or like you’re being pulled in a million directions at once, leave it in the before. Just leave it. Its not you and thats ok. You are meant to feel joy every single day because if you’re not, honestly what is the purpose of this life? No amount of money in your bank account or positive reviews on your yelp page can go with you in the end and those are never the things that you remember when you look back on years gone by. You remember the moments that made your soul feel alive and maybe those are the things that are essential.